Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Sorry it took so long to post the Christmas edition of our blog. The past couple of days have been busy. Patrick's first Christmas was great! We started off on Christmas Eve at Auntie's with a Christmas party, and our 1st annual (hopefully) Yankee Swap. Christmas morning Patrick couldn't contain his excitement any more and got up at 6am to see what Santa had brought. Santa brought a red fire truck and a music table. Then he got to open the gifts Mommy and Daddy bought for him. Once we finished opening gifts it was off to my Mom's for breakfast and more present opening. Then we came back home where Kenny's parent's came over for dinner and.... You guessed it more present opening. All of us had a great Christmas!

Christmas Eve
PJ's nifty pjs
Santa brought this for me?
Give it to me!
Wow! More presents for me?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Who are YOU!?

Last weekend we took Patrick to see Santa. Poor PJ was not amused! The picture below was snapped about 30 seconds before he burst into tears.

Who are you? I'm very afraid!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis the Season.....

To be busy!I have so much to post about. Sunday was the busiest day we've had in a long time. First we woke up to find snow on the ground. Patrick was fasinated by it.
What is this stuff Daddy?

Then we were goofing around with a silly fire hat and got a great picture.
Fire Chief Patrick!

Then we went over to Auntie's for Liam's first birthday party.
PJ and Uncle Mike

The Birthday Boy

FInally, we came home and decorate our tree. Check it out.
Our Tree

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 4, 2008

If you had any doubts.....

that my son is all boy check out the pictures below. Kenny was making PJ lunch while PJ was playing in the living room. He thought "boy is it quiet, that can't be good." And low and behold my son was digging up Oscar, my plant, and trying to eat dirt. Typical boy!

Poor Oscar
Yum Dirt!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Are We Crazy?

As always my mom, sister, and I braved the crowds and had a great time shopping on Black Friday at 6 am. This year we had a new addition, Gabby. We found some great buys, and I got almost all of my shopping done!
It's too early for pictures!

Thanksgiving Part 2

After stuffing ourselves silly at Thanksgiving dinner a bunch of us took Patrick to La Salette. He loved looking at all of the lights but boy was it cold! No pictures of the Giant this time even though he was there. He was our designated photogropher.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Part 1

We are so thankful this year! We have a wonderful family and most of all a practically perfect little baby boy. This year for Thanksgiving we spent the day at my Mom's pigging out and spending time with family.

Boy am I full!

Silly Picture