Renee Emeline Johnson was born last night at 10:31pm. She weighed in at a tiny 7lb 8oz, and is 20 inches long. For any who wish to read her birth story see below.
Birth Story. (Warning LONG)
I woke up yesterday morning and felt no worse than usual. I was a bit annoyed that I had 20 parent/teacher conferences scheduled for the day before my due date, but resigned myself to going to work. Once I got there I started feeling a bit crampy and crappy. Around 11 I had had a few minor contractions and decided it was time to go home.
I played with Patrick and dragged Kenny around the block several times. I was still having contractions but they were between 10-15 minutes apart.
Around 5 we decided to send Patrick to my Mom's even though we all thought it would be long time before we would have to go to the hospital. Thank goodness we did.
I finally started timing contractions during Bones at 8, and they were down to between 8-10 minutes. At about 8:50 I had one that was only 4 minutes away from the previous one. At that point I thought hmmm maybe time for a shower and then call the dr. I don't know what they put in the shower water in Attleboro, but the contractions started coming about 1-2 minutes apart. So I told Kenny we need to go to the hospital NOW! Kenny being Kenny slow poked along right behind me. I'm so glad we only live a few blocks from the hospital.
10:00pm. We arrived at Sturdy and got checked in. The nurse did a quick check on me and said, "yup, you're a keeper, you are already at 7." My reply was something like oh crap, I shouldn't have taken that shower. Now it will probably be to late for an epidural. They quickly whisked me off to my room and tried to start an iv so I could get an epidural. The poor nurses, after the fourth try, (my hands are now all puffy and black and blue), I told them if I wasn't going to be able to get an epidural then please stop poking me. They rechecked me and I was at a nine. They then told me Dr. DeJesus is on her way and she's running. She was there within a minute or two and already suiting up. She told me okay let's have this baby now, broke my water and had me start pushing. Worst pain ever. (kudos to everyone who did this pre-epidural time, and to all those who choose to go without one...... YOU'RE CRAZY!)Thank God it was fast. I started pushing at 10:25 and Miss Renee was born at 10:31. Even though it was torture going through delivery with no pain meds, I do have to admit recovery was so much faster. I was alert and feeling pretty good within a few minutes.
She's been having a bit of trouble keeping her body temp up, so they keep putting her under the hot lamps in the nursery. She then totally stretches out and looks like a turtle on a rock. So for now at least her nickname is turtle. (poor kid).