Today we spent the day with Ken's parents at an EMC sponsored road race. We had such a fun time. We watched Ken compete in the race. He finished 33rd with a time of 21:55Then the real fun began. There were all kinds of activities for the families. We stopped by the food tent for some lunch. After lunch, Patrick played some of the games. He also had his first kid's train ride. He was very serious while on the train, but he loved it. Hopefully, this means he'll have fun at Santa's Village this summer. While Patrick and I were on the train, Kenny tried some cross fit activities. We tried to get Patrick to run in the kid's race, but he decided it would be more fun to run around, and check out the tractor that was on the field. After that, it was time for one more spin around the field, then home. Both kids fell asleep before we got on the highway!


Here we go!
