On the other hand, she also has a wicked temper, screaming and throwing things when she feels she is being wronged. (I.E. Not being allowed to play with the toilet, dump the dog water, or eat batteries.)She loves to talk. She says; hi, Mumma, Daddy, Kitty, Doggie, up, Baba (bottle) bye, and Nana (brother). If she doesn't know the words she'll babble away constantly. She also points to objects so we can identify them to her. Then she'll try to say their names. She's also a climber. She'll climb the couch, recliner, and anything else she can. Today she managed to get on top of the picnic table. Yikes! What she won't do is walk. She'll scream if you try to make her hold on to something and cruise. If it's her idea she'll do it, but, if she lets go she'll immediately sit down.
Both Kenny and I agree our favorite thing about her are her facial expressions. She's got a wonderful smile and even her angry faces will give us a chuckle. Renee has been a wonderful addition to our family, and I can't wait to see how my two babies develop over the coming years.