Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Fun

A few weeks ago I entered a contest at Kidz Wurld for tickets to a breakfast with Elmo. Since I never win anything, I was super surprised to get the call telling me I had won. I knew Renee would be excited because she loves all things fuzzy, but I wasn't sure about Pat. He tends to get nervous about weird things. They both did really well. Renee loved Elmo and kept pinching his nose. Pat warmed up enough to give Elmo a high five. ( But he wouldn't let me take a picture.)
Later that day we went to EMC day at Kenny's work. Usually, Kenny runs in the road race. This year, however, everyone but me had a nasty stomach virus the week before and he didn't want to push it. We had a fun day anyway. We rode the train, and Pat ran in the kids fun run. He called it "the road racer". He did well, until his feet got tangled with another kid's feet and they both fell down. Pat got back up and finished. He loved running in the race, and has been telling everyone he won.

So excited, he can't even look at me

He's cool

Bye Elmo

Snuggling the angry bean

Riding on the train

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


About a month before my Dad's birthday I asked Pat what he wanted to give Papa for his birthday and he told me "the circus". We had seen a TV show that had a circus on it, and Pat loved it. I check around and found that Ringling Brothers was coming to town right after my Dad's birthday. Both Kenny and I were excited too, because we hadn't been since we were little.
On the day of the circus we left Renee with Grammy because she doesn't like loud noises. The first thing Pat wanted once we got there was a twirly thing. He was so cute. He wanted to make sure he could pick one out for Renee too.
Anyone who knows Pat knows sitting and watching things for hours on end is not his strong point. However, he totally surprised me and sat through the entire thing. He only got upset once when I wouldn't let him pet the tigers. He was so proud he thought up Papa's birthday present all on his own, and everyone had a great time.

Pat's favorite thing about the circus... His pink twirly thing.

So excited for the circus to start

Fully Charged!


Hooray for the circus

Monday, May 9, 2011


Last Easter I was gigantically pregnant with Renee and really didn't get to enjoy myself too much. This year, however, was a totally different story. Both the kids woke up and were really excited to see what the bunny had brought them.
Then, we had a yummy breakfast with Grammy and Grampy J. After breakfast, Pat and I headed to church, while Daddy and Renee took a snooze. Unfortunately, Pat and I only made it 1/2 way through the mass. He was a bit too exuberant and jumped up at the same time I bent down. Poor me. I ended up with a fat lip.
Once we picked up Daddy and Renee we went over to Grandma and Papa's house for dinner. Pat and Renee were really surprised to see the bunny had left them presents at Grandma's too! After a yummy dinner we all went outside for the Easter Egg Hunt. Last year Pat had a great time hunting for eggs with Daddy. This year he was able to hunt all by himself. He raced his cousin CeCe around trying to get more eggs than her. Renee hunted with Uncle and was content to be toted around and have him pick up eggs. It was a great day filled with family and lots of fun.

Renee loves her basket

Look at what the bunny brought

Happy Easter! (Check out our centerpiece)

The bunny came to Grandma's too!

Hunting like a big boy this year

Hunting with Uncle.

Twas the night before Easter...

And the Johnsons' were dying eggs again. This year the activities were a bit neater. Pat had a great time just like last year, but didn't break all of the eggs. (Only one or two) Renee loved looking at the eggs and really wanted to try her hand a dying them. She got very annoyed that I insisted on helping her. Stay tuned to see our final centerpiece.

Renee wanted to make sure she got to dye some eggs this year

Much neater this year!