Friday, April 26, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter this year was interesting. Kenny had to work, so I was pretty bummed. I was determined to make it a fun day with the kids. The Easter Bunny helped. He brought each of the kids a Kindle Fire. They loved them! Later in the day, Kenny went to work, and the kids and I went to my parents for dinner. Even thought Kenny wasn't there, we still had a great day. Pat and Renee had fun playing with CeCe, Ruby, and Auntie K and Uncle John. We had a delicious dinner, and the kids did great on their Easter Egg Hunt.

                                                        Dying Easter Eggs
                                                                     Renee showing Grandma
                                                                          So excited

                                                                         Our completed project
                                                              Smallest to Tallest

                                                     Happy but missing our Kenny
                                                           The Awesome table

Patrick Turns Five

On 3/14/13 my Patrick turned 5. He is a wonderful child. He is so happy, sunny, and a good friend to everyone. He loves to learn. He is always interested in Science, and loves trying to add and subtract. Patrick is a great friend and big brother to Renee. He wants to make sure she is taken care of. Of course they do have their little battles, but they are best friends. I am truly blessed to be in his life.

This year Patrick was lucky enough to have two birthday parties. Because his birthday is in March, it is impossible to predict whether or not we can go outside, so we invited Patrick's class to Teamworks in Somerset. The kids had a great time! There was plenty of games for them to play, and lots of room to run and jump.

Later in the week we had Patrick's family party at my parent's house. Pat requested a fishing birthday party. He loves to fish, and can't wait for summer to go with his Dad. We had ons of decorations, and I even made a bait bucket cake. The kids had a lot of fun even though it was a bit chilly. Pat says so far being five is pretty great!

                                                           Happy Birthday Brother
                                                                    Motley Crew
                                                         Mommy and Pat Pat Snuggles
                                                    Giddy up
                                                                Get the Treats!
                                                           Present Time  
                                                                Yummy Cake 
                                                                 Arms full of babies
                                                                         Birthday Hugs
                                                                       Sunggle Time