Patrick is terrified of Santa Clause. But, he is a big part of Christmas so we've been trying to warm him up to the idea. We've now gotten to the point where Santa is allowed to visit our house on Christmas Eve, but he must leave the gifts outside. Mommy and Daddy will then bring the presents into the house. Every year in my parents town of Dighton, Santa visits everyone and throws lollipops from a fire truck. I remember this tradition from when I was little, and I really want my kids to be able to enjoy it too. So, on Sunday we brought the kids down and waited for Santa. Patrick was very excited to see the firetruck come, and thrilled to get the lollipops. He also was glad to see Santa go. He kept checking all afternoon and evening to make sure he was really gone. " Santa go home. He make presents for Patrick." Renee was less than thrilled with the whole ordeal. It was very cold which she doesn't care for, and she was terrified of the horns on the firetruck. I'm hoping for a bit more enthusiasm from both of them next year.

Waiting for Santa

Here he comes!

I don't like Santa either
Santa Clause is coming to town
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