Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Imagination Island

Last weekend it was back to the cold, and I didn't feel like spending all day out in the cold. So it was back to trying to find something fun for the kids to do. We ended up at Imagination Island in Plymouth. I would describe it as a cross between Kidz Wurld and the Children's Museum in Easton. It had lots of room to run and climb, and it also had a bunch of little playhouse, each with their own theme. Both the kids had a great time. Pat loved all of the playhouses and Renee loved the slide and driving in the little car. Pat said he can't wait to go back and bring Daddy.

Imagination Island

Driving like a big girl

Future Firefighters

Playing together

Getting sleepy. Time to go

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another year

Patrick William Johnson and Mommy 3/14/11 3:10pm

Patrick William Johnson born 3/14/08 at 3:10pm 8lbs 10oz

Monday, March 14, 2011

Patrick's 3rd Birthday Party

My baby boy is three. I can't believe it! He has grown up so much in the past year. His language skills have exploded. No more one or two word answers. It's full sentences for this little guy. He barely resembles a baby anymore. He is a full fledged little kid complete with his own ideas and opinions. Often times he expresses himself quite loudly. He can be very sweet too. He loves to give a quick snuggle, then it's Whoosh! He's off again. I'm loving almost every minute of the adventure that is Patrick.
Yesterday we had Patrick's third birthday party. It was a tractor theme complete with a real bobcat. It's difficult to tell who had a better time with it, the kids, or the adults. Patrick had a wonderful time at his party, and especially loved chaffuering his buddies around in his new Artic Cat.

Getting ready to party

Happy Birthday, Love little sister

Cruising with his buddy Connor in his new wheels

How many kids fit in an Artic Cat

Almost too pretty to eat

Big boys having fun

Saturday, March 12, 2011

End of Winter Fun

It's almost spring. We can feel it in the air. That doesn't mean, however, that we can't enjoy some late winter fun. A few weeks ago Pat and Kenny went to our city's Winter Festival. Poor Renee was sick so her and I stayed home. The boys had a great time visiting the bonfire, and of course visiting the giant snow globe. Kenny is such a good Daddy. He waited over an hour in line with Pat for their turn.
The following weekend we went to the RI camping show. Both the kids had such a good time crawling through the campers, and playing on the bunk beds. I think there may very well be on in our future. :)

He insisted


Two boys in a snow globe

Playing with sister at the camping show

Friday, March 4, 2011

Providence Children's Museum

Last week was Feburary vacation. I had the absolute best time with the kiddos. I love that Renee is getting to the age that she's easier to take places, and Pat still loves our adventures. On Thursday my Mom and I took the kids over the the Providence Children's Museum. We've been before but, we always have a great time. Pat had a blast playing in the water room. Of course my son is the only one in the room without a smock.
I got to spend some extra Mommy/baby time with Renee at the museum, because Pat refused to leave the water room for the longest time. Just looking at the pictures of Renee I can't believe how fast she's growing!
After the museum it was time to head to Papa Ginos for Pat's current favorite food. PIZZA. Pat, of course, entertained us even in the restaurant.

The Smockless Wonder

Playing like a big kid

Beautiful little girl

Playing together

Hi Mumma

Driving Gramma

Waiting for pizza after our adventure