Last week was Feburary vacation. I had the absolute best time with the kiddos. I love that Renee is getting to the age that she's easier to take places, and Pat still loves our adventures. On Thursday my Mom and I took the kids over the the Providence Children's Museum. We've been before but, we always have a great time. Pat had a blast playing in the water room. Of course my son is the only one in the room without a smock.
I got to spend some extra Mommy/baby time with Renee at the museum, because Pat refused to leave the water room for the longest time. Just looking at the pictures of Renee I can't believe how fast she's growing!
After the museum it was time to head to Papa Ginos for Pat's current favorite food. PIZZA. Pat, of course, entertained us even in the restaurant.

The Smockless Wonder

Playing like a big kid

Beautiful little girl

Playing together

Hi Mumma

Driving Gramma

Waiting for pizza after our adventure
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