Friday, April 27, 2018

Changes Part 2

So, I started my Changes post with my baby, Renee, because I found it easier to write about her since she is still little. Patrick, my eldest turned 10 this year, and I found it more difficult than I could have imagined. He'll always be my baby, but there is absolutely no denying the fact that he is becoming a young man. This is his last year in elementary school, and I can't believe that in the fall I'll be sending my boy into middle school.

Patrick is true mix of personality traits. In sports, he is a strong and confident leader. In school, he is smart, but a bit lazy. He excels in Math, has finally buckled down in Reading, and still finds Writing to be a waste of his time. At home, Patrick is still an extroverted introvert. He loves to tell us stories, some that seem to go on forever, but then needs his quiet time either in his room, or sacked out on the couch watching movies with me. I'll admit, these are some of my favorite times. He still seems little to me at these moments, like he still needs his mom. I cherish these moments because they seem to be coming a little less now.

I've enjoyed every age this boy has been. He's an absolutely delightful, awkward, funny, strong guy. Although, I miss how little he used to be, I'm loving watching him grow up. I can't wait to see what the next few years have in store for us.
                                                             Silly, sweet boy
                                                          Me and my boy bonding over football
                                                               Strong and confident
                                                        Handsome boy Spring school picture
                                                         Pat in his happy place. Up a tree

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