Thursday, August 6, 2015

God Parents

Ken and I were so blessed to become God parents to our beautiful God son Tucker Raymond. We are so excited to be part of this beautiful little person's life. God Bless Tucker Ray.
Precious little boy

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer 2014

The Summer of 2014 was filled with what the Johnsons do best. Lots of fun!  We started the Summer at a fire muster. Then we broke down and got the kids a pool. We traveled quite a bit too. Our first trip up was what is quickly becoming one of our favorites. It was NH with the Doraz crew. We went hiking, traveled to both Santa's Village and Storyland, and floated down the Saco River. It was an amazing vacation, and one we hope to continue for years to come.
Fire Muster in Berkley. Squirt those fire trucks!

The babies growing up and being goofy

Pat Pat and his Daddy

I love these two more than anything

Hiking like a big girl

Splashing around in the new pool

They really do love each other
                                                                  Getting ready for adventure

                                                                         Cute little friends
On "our" beach