Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fall Fun

This fall has been crazy busy for us. I can't belive how fast it's gone by. Patrick is loving school, and making new friends every day. I can't believe this is his last year of preschool. He has begun reading on his own, and is starting to be able to add and subtract. Renee is chattering up a storm. She has some big ideas, and is getting very loud about expressing her opinions. She also has been throwing some temper tantrums lately, which I'm hoping is just the "Terrible Twos". Because I'm very behind on the blog, I've assembled some pictures that capture the "highlights" of the fall.
Renee getting her face painted for the first time
Crazy tiger boy at touch a truck
Quick snuggle with some cute kids
Silly Papa at a church supper
Watching apples being sorted
Picking apples with Daddy
Giant Dirt piles are always fun
First snowfall of the year

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