Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pre-Christmas Fun

This year Christmas was supper busy, so I haven't had much time to post. Just before Christmas we have a few fun times.

At the beginning of December we went to my parents to wait for Santa to come by on the fire truck. Last year both the kids were very nervous. This year they were both super excited. They also loved the lollipops he threw. Renee's favorite words of the season became "pop peese." That night we took the kids to La Salette so they could finally ride the carousel.

Wrestling Daddy while we wait for Santa.

We can hardly wait!

Look at all of the loot!

Riding the carousel

Later in December Patrick had a sing-a-long at his school. Both the kids were so excited. Pat and I baked cookies for his friends. Then I got them into jammies and we headed to school. Santa came to sing and both kids got to sing and dance with all of Pat's friends.

So excited!

Yummy cookies!

Waiting for Santa to come.

Singing with Santa and Miss Rae Ann

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